Nguyễn Thành Trí
The Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) has just finished a solo-performance,
a monologue of "Vietnamese Communist Political Comedy", because whoever is
the party chief namely general secretary, the parliamentary president, the state
president, and the prime minister, he or she actually is a kind of modern mandarin
governor or a lackey working for the Neocolonialist Red China in order to treat
the Vietnamese People with continual cruelty or injustice, and keep Vietnam being
a subordinate country, a neocolony dependent on Beijing; furthermore, because
the Vietnamese Communists (VC) still keep presuming that intellectual standard
of the Vietnamese People remain undeveloped, mentally retarded, blockhead, so
the Vietnamese People are not aware of their beloved country in reality is a
neocolony of mainland Red China. The VCP continues to carry out the experienced
development of authoritarian with mono-party governing model of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP).
We are the People of Vietnam, the Vietnamese Citizens currently
living in Vietnam, why should we not look into the present situation of Vietnam
to speak out loud the truth … that the VCP is certainly a satellite subordinate
party of the CCP, and under one-party dictatorship the VCP has been making the
Country of Vietnam a neocolony of mainland Red China? WE, the Vietnamese Citizens in
Vietnam, have been waiting and shall be waiting for some foreigners in somewhere
else who would say something and, or do something for the Vietnamese’s own
national problems?
Until now many Vietnamese Citizens appear to be not aware of, or pretend
to be not acknowledged the current situation of Vietnam being a neocolony of
the Imperialist Red China, so we should also recall the nature policies of a
large country like the Imperialist Red China have applied to a small country like
Vietnam for political domination - especially the CCP and the VCP have the same
communist ideology - and the CCP also has covertly had secret full rights to
exploit the economic interest and advantageous trade, as well as the CCP has
been able to make strong influence upon the long-term policies of cultural, educational
and training of the VCP’s human resources, and most importantly the CCP could deceptively
use the territory of Vietnam as a pedal to extend its geopolitical control in
Southeast Asia.
Very clear on the fact of Vietnam under one-party dictatorship the
VCP has been losing Vietnam national sovereignty, because the CCP has obviously
been able to dominate the VCP totally for a long time, to make heavy influence
upon the VCP leadership regarding the state management, governmental personnel
appointment, and including the VCP military commanding positions in Vietnam.
can say without doubt that the VCP is a satellite subordinate party, or a
lackey of the CCP. It is the naked truth that needs
not anymore argument.
Not anyone else, the CCP is a real Actively Acting Aggressor (AAA)
who is reluctant to see an independent Vietnam with freedom, democracy and
solidarity putting together into a strong force against the aggression of the Imperialist
Red China. The CCP has used the VCP to cause
division among all the Peoples of Vietnam.
the VCP keeps calling all the Peoples of Vietnam "unity, unity, great unity,"
but the VCP keeps continuing to have the opposite actions to make the
constituent peoples of Vietnam fragmented in a so seriously deteriorated Vietnam
society that the VCP can easily to rule.
There are some markedly evident facts proved the VCP is completely
subordinate under the CCP, that the VCP had arrested and muzzled many Vietnamese
democratic activists who expressed their political attitude against the Imperialist
Red China invading the Vietnam national sovereignty.
The VCP is just a puppet, lackey authority who dared not to take strong reactions
against the Imperialist Red China; conversely, the subordinate VCP had only weak
reactions with perfunctory verbal protest in order to purposefully let go the CCP
violating incidents, and could continue to hoodwink the Vietnamese People
Historically, forty one years ago, the North Vietnamese Communists
(NVC) forced to reunify the two Vietnams by a deception to fool the last RVN
government out of surrender, and the NVC even deceived the South Vietnamese Communists
(SVC), who cooperated with the NVC in struggle for governing power in South
Vietnam. After the Paris Peace Accord 1973 was enforced
to end the VN war, the two regarding countries, South VN and North VN, also needed to have
a phase of cool-down, a stable time and appropriate transition to peaceful national
unification. However, the NVC deceptively
created a military victory by extorting the last RVN government by armed
forces; the NVC violated the peace accord by cheating the enemy into a
painfully overwhelming surrender instead of implementing a political solution
to unify the two Vietnams by free elections, and then the NVC removed the SVC
who could be no longer exploited by the NVC.
This historical fact also demonstrated the NVC actually lacked of self-confidence
in their political capability and the righteous cause of the VCP when the
People of Southern VN exercise their right to self-determination, their freedom
of choice between the authoritarian communist regime and the free republic
democratic regime. The cunning VCP shiftily carried off the
confused last RVN government in the last minutes and carried out a national
unification by deception; however, the cunning VCP could not win full of trust and
confidence of the Vietnamese People to unite their hearts and minds. So far this historical fact clearly
demonstrated the VCP puppet authority as working lackey of the Imperialist Red
China, and the VCP really has no stance of free and independent Vietnam.
Up-to-date, the VCP has certainly been covered, supported, trained,
and nurtured by the CCP so that both of the ruling commie party in the mainland
Red China could keep connecting with its subordinate ruling commie party in Vietnam.
Both ruling commie parties, the VCP and
the CCP, have alleged and surely will allege their mono-party rule and will
remain their monopoly in national administration. Both current ruling commie
parties have not accepted the nation with multi-party political activities, where
some real opposition forces representing the people’s righteous cause and
justice to share national power; therefore, the expected status of national
reconciliation and national ethnic harmony are very difficult to implement in
both places, the mainland Red China and Vietnam.
In reality, there have not really been any lives in ethnic harmony
in the mainland Red China. No justice,
no equality, no social equal development between ethnic groups such as of Han,
Manchu, Mongol, Hui, Tibetan, are for real. Just the same situation as in
Vietnam the national reconciliation and national ethnic harmony have never
really been done thoroughly, seriously.
mainland Red China and Vietnam there are generally plenty of good pictures of
the minority peoples putting on the brightly colored clothes that are beautiful
to be photographed on the occasion of national festivals in order to run
propaganda and to promote the ruling commie parties, the CCP and the VCP
regimes. Those good pictures are completely different from the
reality of the ethnic minorities in mainland Red China and Vietnam. Usually,
it’s the truth to say the ethnic minorities have been very poor and suffering
the bad weather, illness, and hunger without aids from the commie governments.
Objectively, let us look at the present situation of mainland Red
China and Taiwan, while Taiwan is an island nation that maintains a healthy finance-economy,
a strong army, a democratic political system and a stance of People’s
Independence and Taiwan’s Freedom; consistently, Taiwanese are always keeping
their political position strong enough to struggle and negotiate reconciliation
with the CCP when political reforms happen in mainland Red China. Explicitly, a historical fact on
January 16, 2016 the People of Taiwan decisively showed their will against the
dependence on Beijing. The Taiwanese actively supported
the stance of Taiwan national independence, One Taiwan One China, and for the
first time they elected the female President Tsai Ing-wen (Thái Anh-Vân)
and also elected the Taiwanese Congress with a majority of the Democratic
Progressive Party (DPP) representatives whose consistent stance is an
independent Taiwan. Too obviously, the Island
Nation Taiwan with independence, freedom and democracy has not been and will
not be subordinate under the CCP Mainland Red China ruling authoritarian with
mono-party administration.
Why Taiwan was able to succeed without being dependent on Beijing,
because Taiwan has had and will have a multi-party political system, freedom,
democracy, and the Taiwanese national independent stance. Why Vietnam has been and will be
remained subordinate under Beijing, because the VCP and the CCP have the same
communist ideology, especially there have not been a multi-party political
system, freedom, and democracy in either Vietnam or mainland Red China. Furthermore, the VCP
consistently has not had and will not have the Vietnamese national independent
stance since the VCP is always relying on Beijing, the CCP, for support to
maintain its mono-party dictatorship in order to keep heavy oppression upon the
Vietnamese People.
In the past weeks, the VCP held its general party congress to
select its party chief namely general secretary, its parliamentary president,
its state president, and its prime minister.
Very clearly, that’s a kind of secret party selection, it’s actually not
a free transparent election, that can exactly indicate the VCP leaders and the
top officials of the Vietnamese Communist Government were selected in secretly closed door party congress. They were not elected directly
by the Vietnamese People, so definitely they are not representatives of the
Vietnamese People. Without a free transparent election having the direct
participation of other political parties in Vietnam, the Vietnamese voters
cannot have their political power as the Taiwanese voters can in Taiwan.
In conclusion, the Vietnamese Communist Party (VCP) has just finished
a solo-performance, a monologue of "Vietnamese Communist Political
Comedy", because whoever is the party chief namely general secretary, the parliamentary
president, the state president and the prime minister, he or she actually is a
kind of modern mandarin governor or a lackey working for the Neocolonialist Red
China in order to treat the Vietnamese People with continual cruelty or
injustice, and keep Vietnam being a subordinate country, a neocolony dependent
on Beijing; furthermore, because the Vietnamese Communists (VC) still keep
presuming that intellectual standard of the Vietnamese People remain undeveloped,
mentally retarded, blockhead, so the Vietnamese People are not aware of their
beloved country in reality is a neocolony of mainland Red China. The VCP continues
to carry out the experienced development of authoritarian with mono-party
governing model of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)./.
Sài Gòn, 30/1/2016
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